Nikon has long used many file types in addition to the common JPEG and raw ones you'd expect. Here's a fullish list of what you might find on a card used on a Z System camera when you take it out and mount it on a computer:
- .BIN — This is a binary data file, typically used to contain compressed/encrypted firmware update data. Note the act of using SnapBridge to download and install a firmware update will create this type of file. However, if NCSET### appears as the filename, this is a menu settings file that was saved using SETUP > Save/load menu settings > Save menu settings. For those menu settings files, the number indicates the camera that created it (these are numbered in order of camera introduction!):
- 001 = Z7
- 002 = Z6
- 004 = Z50
- 006 = Z5
- 007 = Z6II
- 008 = Z7II
- 009 = Zfc
- 010 = Z9
- 011 = Z30
- 012 = Z8
- 013 = Zf
- 014 = Z6III
- 015 = Z50II
- .DAT — This is a file of data about the files (you are in a twisty maze of passages ;~). Specifically, the NC_FLLST.DAT file is used during on-camera playback to help it manage playback, particularly of files that are recording in sequences (burst, focus stacks, pixel shifts, etc.). This file is only meaningful on the camera and can be deleted on your ingest to your computer.
- .HIF — This is an image file that contains 10-bit HEIF data with an HLG gamma, and is in the BT.2020 Color Space. This corresponds to what the video world call HDR files. If displayed properly, you'll see two+ stops of additional highlight data. If displayed improperly, the image will look drab and a bit underexposed.
- .JPG — This is an image file that contains 8-bit JPEG data, and typically (though not always; you can set the camera differently) in the sRGB Color Space. JPEG files are handled well by virtually any software that understands images, and are the least common denominator of image files.
- .MOV — This is a video container file, which may contain H.264, H.265, or ProRes video information, plus AAC or PCM audio data.
- .MP4 — This is a video container file that typically contains H.265 video and PCM audio data.
- .NDF — This is a file created by Image Dust Off ref photo. It's used to remove dust spots from raw images in NX Studio. Dust-off files are camera specific (i.e. they can't be used for different cameras)!
- .NEF — This is an image file that contains 12-bit or 14-bit raw data, and requires a raw converter to interpret correctly. One reason why a .NEF file may display on your computer as an image in file lists is that there is an additional embedded JPEG image within the .NEF file.
- .NEV — This is a raw video file in Nikon's proprietary format. At present, only REDCINE PRO+ and Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve can deal directly with this type of file.
- .NMS — This is an IPTC file that contains data that can be imported into cameras that use IPTC data being transferred into the proper EXIF data fields (e.g. Z50II, Z6III, Z8, Z9).
- .NP3 — This is a Nikon Picture Control file for the Z9 generation cameras (older cameras used .NCP or .NP2). This is information that is used by the EXPEED processor to render JPEG (and HEIF) images.
- .NRW — (Not created by Z System cameras, but may be on a card you use with other Nikon cameras.) This is an image file that contains uncompressed 12-bit raw data, and requires a raw converter to interpret correctly. What's the difference between NRW and NEF? Well, NRW files are created mostly by Coolpix cameras, and have specific raw file data that was originally suggested by Windows Imaging Component.
- .TIF — Current Z System cameras do not create these, but this represents a TIFF file, which can be created by some older Nikon cameras.
- .WAV — This is an audio file created by Voice memo options and numbered to match an image file that was created at the same time.