Nisi 250mm f/5.6 Reflex Lens Specifications

bythom nisi 15mm
  • Coverage: full frame
  • Optical design:
    • 6 elements in 3 groups
  • Angle of view: 9.7° diagonal
  • Aperture:
    • fixed f/5.6
  • no image stabilization
  • Focus:
    • manual focus
    • 79" (2m) minimum focus
    • 1:7.1 maximum magnification
  • Filter: 62mm front filter ring
  • Size and Weight:
    • ?" (?mm) long
    • ?" (?mm) diameter
    • ? ounces (?g)
  • Price: US$399?
  • Announced: February 29, 2024

Note: this lens is a rework of the older Minolta 250mm f/5.6 reflex design.

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