License Agreement (byThom Hey Nikki Software)

By clicking on the BUY IT NOW button, you acknowledge that you agree to be
bound by the simple License Agreement, whose full text appears below. 

Read the full text and then click on the button at the bottom of the agreement to accept the license terms.


1. DEFINITIONS. Unless stated otherwise "you" (and "your") means the individual or legal entity to whom this license is granted, "we" (also "us", "our") means byThom, copyright owners and licensors of the software, and "the software" means the program known as "Hey Nikki".

2. THIS AGREEMENT. a) By downloading, installing, copying or using the software on any computer you agree to be bound by the terms of this license agreement, which both grants you rights and imposes obligations upon you. If you disagree with any of the terms of this agreement then you must immediately stop using the software and destroy all copies in your possession or on your machines. b) This agreement supersedes any or all previous versions of this license. By downloading or installing new versions of the software or by continuing to use the software after you receive a copy of this new license, you agree to be bound by any new or altered terms in this license.

3. COPYRIGHT: The software is copyrighted and you may not copy the software except as explicitly stated in this agreement. Full-scale copying of the software is expressly prohibited. You may not remove, delete, transmit or create derivative works from any of the software content. You are permitted to install the software on one or more computer systems or reader devices that you own, as specified under the terms of this license, and also to make copies of the software for backup purposes. 

4. TERMS OF USE: a) You are granted the right to use the software. b) Except as expressly permitted in this license agreement you may not sell, rent, lease, transfer, post on public sites, or sub-license the software without our prior written agreement. The software is licensed to you, not sold, and we reserve all rights not explicitly granted to you in this license. We retain title to the software and all intellectual property rights therein. c) You agree to protect the software from unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution. You further agree not to translate, decompile, or disassemble the software. d) We reserve the right to modify, add or remove content, features and functionality of the software at our sole discretion. e) You acknowledge that the use of the software is for your personal use only. 

5. TERMINATION: We may terminate this license at any time and at our sole discretion by giving you notice in writing via the email address you used in ordering it. A breach by you of any of the terms of this license immediately terminates the license and no refund will be due. You may terminate the license by deleting, destroying or returning all copies of the software in your possession, whether electronic or paper. Any obligations made on you under this agreement not to reveal or distribute confidential or copyrighted information, survive termination of this license.

6. LIABILITY AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: In no event shall byThom, its agents or distributors be liable for any damages whatsoever (including but not limited to loss of use, loss of information, interruption of business or any other pecuniary loss or consequential loss arising from the the installation, evaluation, or use of the software, no matter how such a loss may be incurred.

7. CONTACT: By completing your order of the software, you agree that we can use your email address to contact you about your purchase, and to notify you about any updates. If you have questions about how we handle your email information, please see our Privacy Policy.

8. APPLICABLE LAW: This agreement is governed by Pennsylvania law, and any disagreement will be litigated in Lehigh Country, PA. If any provision of this license agreement or portion thereof is found to be unenforceable you agree to be bound by the remainder of this license agreement.

You accept the license agreement by clicking on this button:

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