I'm Such a Tease...

There's a new section on the site: the Z9 Blog. NikonUSA has provided me with a pre-production model to use, and I'll be doing some casual documenting of my observations and experiences while using it. Thanks to everyone at NikonUSA that helped make this happen. No thanks to UPS, which managed to delay the delivery. 

However, if everything goes according to plan, I'm going to be concentrating on using the sample camera, not posting about it. Oh, I'll be journaling everything as I go on my laptop—thus the new blog-style page(s)—but even if I'm still home while doing this, I won't have the time to be doing all the things that are needed to post; I don't post from my laptop, only from a secure desktop system I probably won't be sitting much in front of. Moreover, I only have the camera for two weeks, so I need to spend most of my time figuring out ways to stress test it in actual photography and see how it responds. 

Thus, I'm posting my first impressions today, and maybe some additional thoughts tomorrow, and then I'm going to honor my original plan and just go Internet-silent until Christmas while I concentrate on using the camera. Come Christmas I'll begin posting the daily observations I had been making, just in delayed form. 

So how's that for a tease? 

Don't worry, the current plan is to do a large dump of information between Christmas and New Years, and to answer as many of your questions as I can at that time.

It's not as if you could run out and buy a Z9 during this silent period, anyway. So use your last few weeks up through Christmas to do all the things you need to do for your family (and job). When you come up for air on December 26th, they'll be some new Z9 info for you to contemplate. 

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