Upcoming Nikon Z8 Presentation

At 8pm EDT on Friday, May 12th, Mark Comon and I will be hosting a free presentation on the Nikon Z8 via a Zoom conference at the Creative Photo Academy. We’ll discuss where this new camera fits in the Z System lineup, and do our best to describe who its for and why you might want it. And yes, I have a Z8 in hand to demonstrate (again, thank you Nikon). 

Registration is required, but free. You can register at Creative Photo Academy

As usual, this event will be recorded and the video made available to those that registered sometime later that weekend. But attending is recommended, as you’ll be able to ask specific questions that we’ll do our best to answer, or in some cases, demonstrate.

•°Looking for other photographic information? Check out our other Web sites:
DSLRS: dslrbodies.com | mirrorless: sansmirror.com | general/technique: bythom.com | film SLR: filmbodies.com
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