Free Safari in Botswana Webinar (last chance to sign up)

Find out what happens when 36 (!) Z8 and Z9 cameras (and a couple of D500's) descend upon Botswana during the month of April. 


Thom Hogan (byThom) and Mark Comon (Creative Photo Academy) will host a free webinar session on June 6th at 5pm PST that details their experience teaching together in Africa this past April. Thom spent over a month photographing in the Kalahari as well as the Okavango regions, and Mark joined him for the Okavango portion of the trip. We experienced it all: dogs, cats, migrations, and pretty much all of the Big Five and the Little Five (though we won't be sharing photos or locations of any endangered species). Thom even had an African Wild Cat show up at his tent. 

Both safari instructors will show you images, talk about lessons learned/relearned, and discuss the basics of technique while photographing on safari. As usual, Thom and Mark will also answer pretty much any and all questions you might have about the Nikon gear they used or Botswana safaris in general.

This event requires preregistration. You can join us by clicking here and filling out the required information. Video of the event is available to those registered usually within a day of the event, but be aware that the recorded video is at a lower video resolution than the event itself.

Don't miss out. This planetary alignment of Thom and Mark only occurs occasionally. 

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