Lens Information Updated

I just spent a fair amount of time trying to verify and add information about third party autofocus lenses for the Z-mount. The Third Party Autofocus Lenses section of the Web site has now been completely refreshed, including links to this site's exclusive advertiser, B&H, should you care to partake.

A few odd things I noted: a number of Chinese lenses are still only regionally available. Some that are available worldwide have differing prices than you'd find in, say, Hong Kong. Even B&H seems a little inconsistent with whether or not they have a vendor's full Z-mount lens line available and their pricing compared to in Asia.

Here's the thing: there are now 53 distinct autofocus lenses available from third-parties for the Nikon Z-mount. Moreover, I identified another dozen+ such lenses that have been teased or shown at recent trade shows, but don't seem to have been officially launched yet. 

Thus, we're rapidly approaching—or have passed the mark but it can't yet be verified—having 100 autofocus lenses available for the Z-mount. We'll likely be over 150 by the end of 2025. 

All this poses a bit of a problem for me. I currently have nine lens reviews in progress, five of which are third-party lenses. My hopes of having reviews of every autofocus lens for the Z-mount are fading rapidly, as I'm just one person fending off an onslaught from dozens of vendors now. So bear with me. I'm going to put a little bit of priority on catching up with Nikon, where I'm currently six lenses behind. 

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